Born 1990, Voorburg, The Netherlands

Lives and works in Amsterdam

Currently Resident @ Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten 2023-2024 Completed Master of Theatre Practices (Currently known as Performance Practices), MA, Artez Arnhem


2024 Open House Open Mouth, "Transatlantic Pirate State", Amsterdam, NL

2024 Rijksakademie Open, "Corset Drama/ La Petite Fadette", Amsterdam, NL

2024 OCCII, "Corset Bound", Amsterdam, NL

2023 Nieuw Dakota, Dakota by Night "Because the Water Hyacinths" (soundwork) with Helena Sanders, Amsterdam, NL

2023 Radio TNP, "This isn't a cathedral, this is my house!" (soundwork) with Helena Sanders, Amsterdam, NL

2022 Kunsthalle Munster, "The contralto in her eyes", (performance/text)during Charlott Weise show, Munster, DE

2022 RIB, Cold in Church set, (performance concert), Rotterdam, NL

2021 4BID, "Cold in Church debut", (performance concert), Amsterdam, NL

2021 Punt WG, "Feelsgalore", (soundwork) w Helene Grande, Giovanni Giarette, Faysal Mroueh, Amsterdam, NL

2021 Het Nieuwe Instituut, "Animal de Compagnon", (video collab w Cécile Tafanelli p/o oneminutes curated by Ceel Mogami de Haas), Maastricht, NL

2021 Marres, "Malfunction" (video p/o graduate group show), Maastricht, NL

2020 Yokohama Civic Art Center, "Fashion & Death" (p/o video installation Maijko Jinushi, Tokio, Japan

2020 HermannGermann, "?edulerP", performance during groupshow, Zürich, Switzerland

2019 Perdu, "Tell Her", Amsterdam, NL

2019 Arti et Amicitiae, "Calisthene", (Theatrical Installation, self-curated with Charlott Weise, Faysal Mroueh, Mikel Orphée), Amsterdam, NL

2019 Fort bij Vijfhuizen, "Wardrobe H: Show n Tell", Perspectives, Vijfhuizen, NL metropolis M review

2018 Schloss Balmoral, "5 Songs", The Lighthouse, Bad Em, DE

2018 De appel, "Tennis Me", Museum Nacht, Amsterdam, NL

2018 The BALLROOM, "Beauty and Truth", Amsterdam (with Milena Bonilla), NL

2018 OCCII, Sotu Festival, Amsterdam, NL

2017 SSBA Salon,Schouwburg, Beastiality, Amsterdam, NL

2017 RIB, "Xeno-Classicism", (with Sam Basu, Liz Murray and Prophet Royal Robertson), Rotterdam, NL artviewer

2016 1646, "Ectoplasm", The Hague (curated by Pàdraic E. Moore)


2020 Essay: "Sound of Meaning" for P/////AKT p/o Oomph Publication

2017 Squirting Wound, RIB, Amsterdam

2017 House of Stories, Motto Distribution, Berlin

2016 it kept repeating ititititit, Metropolis M, Utrecht

2016 Pense-Bête, P/////AKT, Amsterdam

2016 I am not Her,SIC Intertrashional zine featuring writers and artists Issue #3 “Race”