Tel: +31 (0)6 348 7 19 94
Cold in Church demo: Transatlantic Pirate State
Miscellaneous Works (2020 - present)
Corset Drama - Seated on a carpet, the performers move and speak with movement from the pelvis that are loosely inspired by Martha Graham’s technique for modern dance. Breathing techniques implemented as a medium for expression in modern dance such as hope, despair, and desire, are regulated by the experience of wearing corsets, tight-laced, and asphyxiating. Breathing and vocal exercises for the activation of the singing voice’s head-register bring this quest into higher realms where voices reach a dreamy reappraisal of sex and sexuality. Thoughts across these mediums are spun together in this Anglo-French dialogue/duet with co-creators, Artémise Ploegaerts, who performs and provides choreography, and Faysal Mroueh who composed the score. The corset/leotards are designed by Anouk van Wijk, and the bustier was produced together with Lotte Nijhof. Rijksakademie Open 2024 Photos are by Ozgur Atlahan
Cold in Church demo: Cuckold Theme
Some Scenes fragment, 2021
Interview met Najiba Brakkee voor Trendbeheer
Song of the Fairy, extract film Malfunction: